#andy bown
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georgefairbrother · 8 months ago
This week, July 21st 1984, Status Quo played their 'final' show at Milton Keynes Bowl to an audience of 50 000, although they would reform for Live Aid and then continue to record and tour with some lineup changes, to the present day.
It appears that this current tour (2024), featuring Francis Rossi and Andy Bown from the 1984 lineup, really will be their last...
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rock--band · 1 year ago
100+ Rock Band Posters and Canvas Prints
Print Option: ♦ Framed Poster Print ♦ Canvas Print ♦ Metal Print ♦ Acrylic Print ♦ Wood Prints 🌐 Worldwide shipping
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julio-viernes · 8 months ago
Está To Oscuro. Otro que parece estar hasta las narices del asunto es Francis Rossi. Veo estas imágenes recientes del Botánico y son unos Quo como en fase Siniestro Total, así tan de uniforme. Me gustan Status Quo, siempre me gustaron.
“No creo que volvamos a salir. Y en lo que respecta al resto de la banda, también es la última gira. Simplemente no puedo vernos haciéndolo una vez más”, confirma Rossi.
Por lo que se ve, ya ha tenido bastante. No le interesa más. Al explicar por qué ha sido tan discreto sobre el posible final del grupo, añade:
“No quería anunciar esta gira actual como la última. Lo hice una vez y luego me obligaron a volver, pero esa es otra jodida historia”.
"Jodida historia"... Está hasta los huevos.
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dec4podcast · 9 months ago
Some great audience sound and vision of Status Quo, live in Belfast, May 28th, 2024
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steveinscarlet · 1 year ago
I got a new one to add to the favourite old men list!
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lyrasky · 2 years ago
Status Quo【Is It Really Me? Gotta Go Home】和訳解説 旅と女とブギー Pure Hearted Man's Boogie
Status Quo【Is It Really Me? Gotta Go Home】和訳解説 旅と女とブギー Pure Hearted Man's Boogie Lyraのブログへ #statusquo #Boogie #IsItReallyMe #GottaGoHome #Hello #ステイタスクォーFrancisRossi #AndyBown #JohnEdwards #RhinoEdwards #LeonCave #RichieMalone #boogie #hardrock
夏が来たら爽やかソングをお届け〜♪ というのが普通の人の選曲…ですが、Lyraは夏好きな上に暑くてヤバいのを快感にまで持って行く変な技(笑)を持っている夏好きな変わり者。 だからここは、暑い夏をよりHotにしてくれるロックサウンドと、暑苦しいルックスを持つStatus Quoを紹介しちゃいます。 長い、長すぎる Improvisationと頭に残るリフで車をぶっ飛ばせば、楽しい夏を味わえるわ〜! 今日も熱い夜を迎えてしまうサウンドをLyraがお届け〜♪ Continue reading Untitled
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asurrogateblog · 8 months ago
yes roger is the most impregnable member of pink floyd but as everyone knows he had a surrogate so actually it was andy bown who carried the baby
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anotherdayinbliss · 2 years ago
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The Herd ca. 1965. The Herd's first single 'From The Underworld' shot straight into the British charts in late 1967. The group comprised of bass guitarist Gary Taylor, guitarist and singer Peter Frampton, organist Andy Bown, and drummer Andrew Steele. Photo: BIPS/Getty.
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scotianostra · 2 years ago
 Happy Birthday Dougie Thomson.
Born Douglas Campbell Thomson on March 24th, 1951 in Glasgow and raised in the Rutherglen area of the same city. Dougie was a member of the so-called Supertramp ‘classic lineup’ playing bass guitar from 1973 until Supertramp’s initial break-up in 1988.
Dougie’s musical career began in August 1969 when he joined a local Glaswegian band “The Beings”. Then in September of 1971 Dougie, joins The Alan Bown Set replacing Andy Brown and, as fate has it, first worked with future Supertramp bandmate John Helliwell briefly. In February of 1972, Dougie tried out for Supertramp and ended up playing with the band at several gigs as a temporary stand-in. In 1973, Dougie joined Supertramp as bass player and also helped take over the business management along with Dave Margereson. He also persuaded John Helliwell into joining the band.
Dougie would play with Supertramp on its Crime of the Century, Crisis? What Crisis?, Even in the Quietest Moments, Breakfast in America, Paris, …Famous Last Words…, Brother Where You Bound and Free as a Bird albums.
After Supertramp initially disbanded in 1988, Dougie became a publisher in the music business creating Trinity publishing and works with a management company in Chicago, Illinois. He didn’t participate in Supertramp’s regrouping in 1997 for the album Some Things Never Change.
He is also an avid sailor owning a number of yachts.
Thomson has four children, Laura, James, Kyle and Emma, Kyle played professional football, both in the US and at Morton.
I do like Supertramp, but only ever owned one of their albums,…Famous Last Words…, and that is only because I won it in a competition on Radio Forth. I must admit I thought the group were American, and it is only in the past few years that I found out they were a “Brit” band
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year ago
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Release: September 14, 1979
Whatever you want
Whatever you like
Whatever you say
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you lose
You're showing off
You're showing out
You look for trouble
Turn around, give me a shout
I take it all
You squeeze me dry
And now today
You couldn't even say goodbye
I could take you home
On the midnight train again
I could make an offer you can't refuse
Whatever you want
Whatever you like
Whatever you say
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you lose
You're showing off
You're showing out
You look for trouble
Turn around, give me a shout
I take it all
You squeeze me dry
And now today
You couldn't even say goodbye
I could take you home
On the midnight train again
I could make an offer you can't refuse
Whatever you want
Whatever you like
Whatever you say
You pay your money
You take your choice
Whatever you want
Whatever you need
Whatever you use
Whatever you win
Whatever you lose
Whatever you want
Andy Bown / Rick Parfitt
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adominguezs · 1 year ago
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Roger Waters - The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking. Año 1984. Edición Italiana. Rock Progresivo. EMI.
Es el primer álbum en solitarioun de Roger Waters. Es un álbum conceptual presentado a Pink Floyd en paralelo con Bricks in the Wall.
El concepto, según lo previsto por Waters en 1977, giraba en torno a los pensamientos dispersos de un hombre durante un viaje por carretera a través de algún lugar de Europa Central. Se centra en su crisis de mediana edad, y en cómo sueña con cometer adulterio con una autoestopista que recoge durante el viaje. En el camino se enfrenta también a otros miedos y paranoias. Todo se desarrolla en tiempo real entre las 4:30 AM y las 5:12 AM de un día sin concretar.
Músicos Roger Waters - bajo eléctrico, guitarra, efectos de cinta y voz principal. Eric Clapton - guitarra, segundas voces, sintetizador de guitarra Roland. Ray Cooper - percusión. Andy Newmark - batería y percusión. David Sanborn - saxofón. Michael Kamen - piano. Andy Bown - órgano hammond y guitarra de 12 cuerdas. Madeline Bell - coros. Katie Kissoon - coros. Doreen Chanter - coros. The National Philharmonic Orchestra. Michael Kamen - director y arreglos de orquesta.
Producción Roger Waters - productor. Michael Kamen - productor. Andy Jackson - grabado e ingeniería. Laura Boisan - asistente de ingeniería. Doug Sax - masterizado. Mike Reese - masterizado.
A1 4:30 AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad) 3:12 A2 4:33 AM (Running Shoes) 4:08 A3 4:37 AM (Arabs with Knives and West German Skies) 2:17 A4 4:39 AM (For the First Time Today, Part 2) 2:02 A5 4:41 AM (Sexual Revolution) 4:49 A6 4:47 AM (The Remains of Our Love) 3:09
B1 4:50 AM (Go Fishing) 6:59 B2 4:56 AM (For the First Time Today, Part 1) 1:38 B3 4:58 AM (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin) 3:03 B4 5:01 AM (The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking, Part 10) 4:36 B5 5:06 AM (Every Stranger's Eyes) 4:48 B6 5:11 AM (The Moment of Clarity) 1:28
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georgefairbrother · 8 months ago
A little Status Quo action from their current tour. Next month marks 40 years since their 'farewell' concert at Milton Keynes Bowl...
Francis Rossi (lead) and Andy Bown (Keyboard and guitar) remain from the 1984 lineup...
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galleriesmagazine · 2 years ago
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#NewArtShow 18-03-23 - Fidra Fine Art - Rosemary Beaton - Bird Of Paradise, Pollenca FIDRA FINE ART 7-8 Stanley Road, Gullane, East Lothian EH31 2AD Spring Exhibition. Mar 18-Apr 30. Rosemary Beaton, George Birrell, Georgina Bown, Davy Brown, Nicola Carberry, June Carey, Carol Dewart, Matthew Draper, Alison Dunlop, Michael Durning, Andy Heald, John Johnstone, Ged Lerpiniere, Neil Macdonald, Stephen Mangan, Alice McMurrough, Heather Nevay, Alastair Strachan, Peter Thomson & Helen Wilson. Tue-Sat 11-4, Sun 12-4 t 01620 249389 e-m [email protected]  fidrafineart  @fidrafineart  FidraFineArt web www.fidrafineart.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7AGbfo5UQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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julio-viernes · 9 months ago
Y baila el boogie. Los absurdamente menospreciados Status Quo - o lo que queda de ellos, el líder Francis Rossi y Andy Bown- llenaron y convencieron el otro día en las Noches del Botánico. Para cuando nos quisimos animar ya no había entradas. Rescato en su honor dos buenos momentos de su larga trayectoria, "Down On The Dustpipe" en directo en el Doing Their Thing show de Granada TV 1970. Rossi, Rick Parfitt, Alan Lancaster y John Coghlan acompañados en la armónica de su roadie y colaborador musical Bob Young y Roy Lynes a los teclados. Abajo el éxito "What You´re Proposin´" (1980, nº 2 UK) single principal del LP "Just Supposin´", con Bown (< The Herd, < Judas Jump) como teclista.
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more-relics · 2 years ago
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Pink Floyd - The Wall Tour circa 1980-81. Photos & Edit: Beb Ward/Jill Furmanovsky.
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natromanxoff · 3 years ago
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“End Of The Road” Party - June, 1984
Credits to David Dyson and Mirrorpix for the photos 1-2, Dave Hogan for the photos 3-4. Fifth and sixth photos are from @/myfairymeddows on Instagram, the last photo is from @/nottco on Twitter.
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